Brazilians flock to São Paulo event to promote Shanghai expo

Over 100 businesspeople attended a gathering in the Brazilian city of São Paulo held to promote the second edition of China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai next year, Xinhua reports.

The Chinese government-run news agency quotes Chinese Consul-General in São Paulo Chen Peijie as saying Brazil is among the first countries where such promotional events are being held, showing how important the Brazilian market and Brazilian products are to China.

Ms Chen said she hoped the event would teach Brazilian businesspeople about what the Chinese market wants, and so increase Sino-Brazilian trade.

The report quotes Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo Vice-president José Ricardo Roriz Coelho he expects more Brazilian businesspeople to attend the second CIIE than the first.

An unprecedented 300 or more representatives of 200 Brazilian companies attended the first edition, held this year, Xinhua says.