Cabo Verde

Official Name: Republic of Cabo Verde
Area (km2): 4,033
Population: 595,096
Special Economic Zone (km2): 730,000
Capital: Praia
Official Language: Portuguese
Head of State: Jorge Carlos Fonseca
Prime Minister: José Ulisses Correia e Silva
Currency: Escudo (CVE)
Exchange Rate: USD1 = 101.08 CVE (March, 2020)
Local Time: GMT-2

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Promotional Videos

Cabo Verde EP1 — Business Perspective and Opportunities

Cabo Verde EP2 — Explaining the Industries

Cabo Verde EP3 — Questions and Answers

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45 years of cooperation: China seeks to strengthen cooperation with Cabo Verde
(Source: Inforpress) – Only available in Portuguese

Cabo Verde and China sign economic cooperation agreement worth CVE1.4 billion
(Source: Inforpress) – Only available in Portuguese