Cristina Morais takes office as Coordinator of Forum Macao’s Support Office

Ms Cristina Gomes Pinto Morais has officially taken office as the new Coordinator of the Support Office to the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao. She was confirmed in her post at a swearing-in ceremony on November 6 led by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac.

Her appointment was effective from November 3. It was made by dispatch No. 119/2015 from the Secretary for Economy and Finance.

Ms Morais speaks several languages, including Chinese, Portuguese and English, and has a degree in Business Management from the University of Washington, in the United States. She also holds a Master degree in Business Management from the University of Macau.

Ms Morais joined Macao Economic Services, a Macao government bureau, in 1991. Between 1995 and 2009, she held several positions in that bureau, including Deputy of the Trade Department; Assistant to the Head of the Macao SAR Government Delegation in Brussels; Head of Macao Economic Services’ Foreign Trade Division; Acting Head of the Foreign Trade Management Department; and Acting Head of the External Economic Relations Department. She had been Head of Macao Economic Services’ External Economic Relations Department since 2009.

In his speech during the swearing-in ceremony, the Secretary for Economy and Finance said Ms Morais’ dedication over the years had made her an ideal professional to hold the position of Coordinator of the Support Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao.

He added she had vast experience and would further deepen her knowledge in the field of external trade, including knowledge and experience regarding economic, trade and service co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

The fact that Ms Morais held management positions for 20 years had also contributed to enriching her knowledge in the field of administrative management, Mr Leong noted.

The Secretary for Economy and Finance also pointed out that Ms Morais is an experienced organiser of – and participant in – relevant events related to economic and trade exchanges. Such experience has provided her with a privileged perspective on world trade, he added.

Mr Leong declared his trust in Ms Morais and her ability to achieve success in her new position. He said he believed she could enrich her professional and linguistic skills through her new job, and could lead her team in a way that would enhance the work of Forum Macao.

The Secretary also thanked the former Coordinator of the Support Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Ms Echo Chan, for her work during the time she held the post.

Ms Morais thanked the Secretary for Economy and Finance for her appointment and the trust put in her. The new Coordinator of the Support Office to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao said she was honoured to hold the new position, one she considered to be of great responsibility.

She also pledged to work hard to promote Macao’s role as an economic and commercial services’ platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

Ms Morais praised the contributions of Ms Chan, her predecessor in the role. She also thanked her colleagues at Macao Economic Services for their support during her professional career.