Mainland attracts record level of overseas investment, topping US$139 bln

The Mainland was the world’s third biggest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) last year, state-run China Radio International reports.

The broadcaster cited data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that found a record amount of FDI, US$139 billion, poured into the Mainland economy last year. It was a 2.3-percent increase over 2015.

The UNCTAD report says the Mainland has become more attractive to companies in the service industries, especially high-value-added services, and high-tech manufacturing.

While investment in the Mainland grew, global FDI flows fell to US$1.52 trillion last year, a decrease of 13 percent in year-on-year terms.

The United States and Britain were the two biggest destinations for FDI last year.