Seminar ’15th anniversary of the Establishment of Forum Macao: Review and Future Development’ held in Beijing

The Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, also known as Forum Macao, held on June 4 in Beijing, the seminar “15th anniversary of the Establishment of Forum Macao: Review and Future Development”. A ceremony was also held to launch the drafting of the conclusions of an external assessment.

The following were present at the seminar: China Vice Minister of Commerce Ms Gao Yan; the Macao Special Administrative Region’s (SAR’s) Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac; Deputy Head of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Mr Huang Liuquan; the senior member of the Portuguese-speaking Countries’ Diplomatic Corps in China, and Ambassador to Beijing for Guinea-Bissau, Mr Malam Sambú; member of the China National Tourism Administration’s Party Leadership Group, Mr Li Shihong; Vice Minister of the National Health Commission, Ms Cui Li; and the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Mr Cai Fang. Each of the guests made a speech during the event.

The Ambassadors to China of Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as representatives of all services that are part of the Forum Macao Follow-Up Action Committee, were also present at the Forum Macao 15th anniversary seminar. During the event, participants conducted a review of Forum Macao’s evolution during the past 15 years and unanimously expressed their recognition of, and deep appreciation for, the role played by Forum Macao, and the results obtained by it, in the 15 years since its establishment.

China Vice Minister of Commerce Ms Gao put forward four suggestions to guide Forum Macao’s development: first, to create a new framework for international cooperation within Forum Macao and within the “Belt and Road” initiative; second, to hasten the integrated development of, and construction between, China and Portuguese-speaking Countries of a community with a sense of shared destiny; third, promote with even greater vigour the construction of Macau’s platform role, thus boosting the “One Country, Two Systems” principle; and finally to improve Forum Macao’s mechanisms, thus promoting within Forum Macao further pragmatic cooperation at various levels.

Macao’s Secretary Leong said that, thanks to the coordination of the Committee for Development of the Commercial and Trade Cooperation Service Platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries – led by the Macao SAR Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On – Macao would continue to play its role as a kind of bridge. This involved use of innovative ideas; and making the most of – and correctly implementing – the Central Government’s support measures for Macao, so as to improve Macao’s role as a platform. Macao’s bridging role also involved the constant deepening of economic, trade and cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. This would also drive the development and progress of Macao’s economy and society.

The Ambassador to Beijing of Guinea-Bissau, Mr Sambú, expressed in his speech a deep appreciation for Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, while emphasising that Forum Macao should boost its profile among those countries; boost information exchange between the Participant Countries of Forum Macao; and create more opportunities for business people, driving cooperation and development to a higher and more diversified level.

All parties involved believed China and Portuguese-speaking Countries complemented each other well economically and had wide scope for cooperation. While seizing the benefits stemming from its historical ties, Macao should – via Forum Macao – make use of contemporary advantages, try to open up a new chapter for deeper cooperation, and create situations of mutual benefit for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.