Mozambique to continue improving infrastructure: President

Mozambique’s new President, Filipe Nyusi, says he plans to continue investing in the development of the country’s infrastructure, following in the footsteps of former president Armando Guebuza.

“We want Mozambique to continue as a reference as one of the world’s countries that continue with positive economic growth,” said Mr Nyusi in his inauguration speech.

After economic expansion estimated at 7.2 percent in 2014, the southern African country’s Gross Domestic Product is forecast to grow by 8.0 percent this year, according to the World Bank Group.

Mr Nyusi added that Mozambique’s new Government would be announced in the coming days.

The new President was sworn in on Thursday in the country’s capital city Maputo for a five-year term. Among foreign dignitaries attending the ceremony were Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s special envoy, Justice Minister Wu Aiying.

The 56-year-old Mr Nyusi, from the ruling Front for the Liberation of Mozambique – known as Frelimo – was elected last October. He replaced Mr Guebuza, also from Frelimo, who served a maximum two terms.