Delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visits Portugal

A delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao, has visited Portugal and Guinea-Bissau during April. The delegation took part in the Business Meeting between China, Portuguese-speaking Countries and Macao.

On the visit to Portugal – from April 6 to 7 – the delegation met with the President of AICEP Portugal Global (the Portuguese Trade and Investment Agency), Mr Miguel Frasquilho. The delegation also had meetings with Portugal’s Secretary of State of Internationalisation, Mr Jorge Costa Oliveira, and Portugal’s Secretary of State of Industry, Mr João Vasconcelos.

The meetings enabled an exchange of information about the work done by Forum Macao and helped the participants understand how to make use of the cross-border service platform provided by Macao.

After visiting Portugal, the delegation of the Permanent Secretariat visited Guinea-Bissau to participate in the Business Meeting between China, Portuguese-speaking Countries and Macao, an event held between April 8 and 10. During its visit, the delegation had several meetings with the authorities in Guinea-Bissau.