Portuguese role in Chinese traditional medicine highlighted

Institute of Traditional Medicine President Frederico Carvalho has said Macao and Portugal both have parts to play in promoting sales of Chinese traditional medicine in Europe and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, Lusa reports.

The Portuguese news agency quotes Mr Carvalho as saying that if Macao acts as the shop window for Chinese traditional medicine in the lusophone world, then Portugal can act as the shop window for Chinese traditional medicine in Europe.

The report says Portugal has been active in promoting Chinese traditional medicine globally, for instance by appointing a Portuguese representative to serve on the committee of experts consulted by the Guangdong-Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Industrial Park on the island of Hengqin, which abuts Macao.

Mr Carvalho pointed out that Portugal and the industrial park helped train practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine in the Portuguese-speaking Countries, particularly in Mozambique, Lusa says.