Chinese solar power company has plan for R&D base in Brazil

The boss of the Brazilian subsidiary of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd (Hanergy TFP) says the Chinese solar power company has a plan to set up a research and development base in Brazil.

The company issued a written statement quoting Hanergy Brazil Chief Executive Han Rui as saying Hanergy TFP wishes its technology to take root in South America, and that it wishes to make products that meet South American needs.

Hanergy TFP announced at a South American solar power exhibition in the Brazilian city of São Paulo last week that it had struck deals together worth US$4.3 million with 15 companies in Brazil, Chile and other countries in Latin America.

The Chinese company also struck a deal with the Information Technology Center Renato Archer, which does research for the Brazilian government, to develop in Brazil applications for building-integrated photovoltaics technology, Hanergy TFP says.