Academics confer in Beijing about lusophone countries

Academics, businesspeople and officials representing Mainland China and Macao, along with Brazil, Portugal and other lusophone countries, gathered in Beijing this week to discuss the Portuguese-speaking world, the People’s Daily reports.

The Communist Party of China newspaper says they attended the annual Joint Academic Conference on Portuguese-speaking Countries, put on by the Chinese University of International Business and Economics’ Research Centre of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and the International Institute of Macao.

The report says the theme of the conference was “Blue Partnership between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries: Enhancing Trade and Investment, Facilitating Industrial Capacity Cooperation”.

A former Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce, Sun Zhenyu, spoke of the potential for cooperation in exploiting the sea, namely for tourism, the report says.

Macao and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area can serve to facilitate such cooperation, the People’s Daily quotes Mr Sun as saying.