Apex-Brazil deals pry open Chinese e-commerce market

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, Apex-Brazil, and four operators of Chinese e-commerce websites have reached agreements to make it easier for Brazilian sellers to reach Chinese buyers direct.

The agency issued a written statement quoting Apex-Brazil President Roberto Jaguaribe as saying: “Brazil already sells a lot to China, but we are still little known by the Chinese consumer.”

Apex-Brazil says the deal it has done with Alibaba gives Brazilian companies a one-third discount on the cost setting out their stalls on the website and promises the establishment of a special Brazilian section of the website once 500 Brazilian companies are using it.

The Apex-Brazil agreement with Tmall also promises a special Brazilian section of the website.

Apex-Brazil has done other deals with JUMORE and with EPEC.com, an oil and gas trading website run by Chinese state-owned oil company Sinopec.

All the deals were signed at the recent China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Apex-Brazil says.