Baciro Djá named Guinea-Bissau’s new Prime Minister

President José Mário Vaz on Thursday appointed Baciro Djá as Guinea-Bissau’s new Prime Minister.

Mr Djá replaces Domingos Simões Pereira, sacked by Mr Vaz earlier this month following internal political differences.

The three men are members of the ruling African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC). The party did not endorse the President’s new appointee.

Mr Vaz said he decided to give Mr Djá the job following talks with parties represented in parliament.

According to legal experts quoted by Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua, if the parliament fails to support the new nominee, the body will be dissolved and legislative elections will be held within 90 days, as stipulated in the country’s Constitution.

PAIGC controls 57 seats out of a total of 102 in the parliament.