Bank of China targets Portuguese-speaking Countries

The Bank of China wants to make use of Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries to “explore financial service [opportunities] in the markets of Portuguese-speaking countries,” said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd, Tian Guoli.

Mr Guoli met with the Macao Chief Executive Chui Sai On on December 5, according to a statement from the Macao Government Information Bureau.

According to the statement, Mr Guoli said that by expanding services to Portuguese-speaking markets, the financial institution also aims to “contribute to help Macao enter the global financial market”.

The Chairman of the Hong Kong branch of the Bank of China also emphasized the rapid economic development of Macao in recent years, saying that the bank wants to help boost the development of the financial services sector in the territory.