BNU role in linking China, Portuguese-speaking world to grow  

Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) Executive President Paulo Macedo says CGD subsidiary Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU) will be more active in promoting business between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, Lusa reports.

The Portuguese news agency quotes Mr Macedo as saying Macao and BNU form the business gateway to China for the Portuguese-speaking Countries.

“This is a business that we want to see grow, and that will be greater in terms of the Portuguese-speaking Countries,” Mr Macedo said.

The report quotes BNU Executive Chairman Pedro Cardoso as describing the Chinese government Belt and Road initiative as “a very great opportunity” for the CGD group.

The Chinese government Guangdong-Macau-Hong Kong Greater Bay Area initiative also deserves his bank’s attention because of the opportunities it promises to create, Lusa quotes Mr Cardoso as saying.