Brazil seeks more Chinese investment in Rio Olympics

Brazil hopes more Chinese firms will invest in and sponsor the Rio 2016 Olympics, which start in fewer than 100 days, Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro – the Brazilian city hosting the 2016 edition of the Summer Olympic Games – met Song Yang, China’s Consul General to Rio, on Wednesday for discussions about the Olympics.

“China has always been a trusted and key partner of Brazil. Beijing has many successful experiences, from which Rio can learn,” Mr Paes was quoted saying, referring to the Olympics held in Beijing in 2008.

“[The] Rio Olympics is an event drawing worldwide attention and Brazil is overcoming difficulties to meet the challenges,” he continued. Brazil’s economy is currently in recession.

“Brazil welcomes Chinese companies and financial institutions to support [the Rio Olympics],” Mr Paes added.

Xinhua’s report said the organisers hoped Chinese companies working in the fields of oil and gas, electricity, mining and agriculture would sponsor the Rio Olympics.