Cape Verde flag carrier to be privatised by mid-2015: minister

Cape Verdean state airline TACV “should be privatised by mid 2015”, local newspaper A Semana quoted the country’s Minister for Infrastructure and Maritime Economy, Sara Lopes, as saying.

The plan to privatise the airline was first announced in 2002, but the government said it hasn’t finalised a deal yet due to the financial situation of the company, the newspaper reported.

TACV is one of the few African airlines with routes to the U.S. and several destinations in Europe, including Portugal, France and Italy.

Ms Lopes said the government has received several letters of intention from companies interested in buying TACV.
The minister was also quoted as saying that the country’s port authority, called Enapor, should also be privatised next year.

“The government has created a unit in charge of privatisation under the Ministry of Finance, which is already working on these plans,” Ms Lopes said, according to the report. She also said that Enapor’s privatisation process “is much more advanced”, with negotiations expected to close soon with “an eventual direct adjudication”.