China gives Guinea-Bissau 11 motor vehicles for official use

The Chinese Embassy in Bissau has given the Guinean Foreign Ministry 11 motor vehicles, O Democrata reports.

The Guinean newspaper quotes Guinean Foreign Minister Suzi Barbosa as saying the gift shows Sino-Guinean cooperation remains close, one aspect being considerable Chinese support for the Guinean infrastructure drive.

The report quotes Ms Barbosa as saying the construction of a highway connecting Safim to the international airport in Bissau is among the projects China is undertaking in Guinea-Bissau or has shown interest in backing.

The report quotes Chinese Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau Guo Ce as saying the gift of the vehicles reflects Sino-Guinean friendship.

Guinean diplomacy has gained momentum since Ms Barbosa took charge, and the gift is meant to support her efforts, O Democrata quotes the ambassador as saying when the vehicles were turned over on Tuesday.