China lets three Brazilian slaughterhouses resume exports

Brazilian meat processors JBS SA and Cooperativa Central Aurora Alimentos say the Chinese authorities have given three of their slaughterhouses permission to begin exporting to China again, Reuters reports.

The news agency quotes JBS as saying on Wednesday that permission to resume exports was given to one of its facilities that produces pork and one that produces chicken, both in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, bringing the number of JBS slaughterhouses with such permission to 25.

The report quotes Aurora Alimentos as saying permission to resume exports was given to one of its facilities that produces pork in the southern state of Santa Catarina.

Meat processors in Santa Catarina spent an extra 55 million reals (about U$10.36 million) last year on reducing the risk of Covid-19 contamination of their facilities, Reuters quotes state industry group head Jorge Lima as saying.