China waives another US$36 mln of Mozambican debt  

The Chinese government has waived US$36 million of Mozambican debt and will give Mozambique another US$15 million to build a new airport, Lusa reports.

The Portuguese news agency quotes Chinese Ambassador to Mozambique Su Jian as saying after signing the debt waiver document: “We have already forgone repayment of several interest-free loans to Mozambique which were due to mature by the end of 2017. We will keep working in the next few years to continue this form of co-operation.”

Mr Su said China would put US$15 million toward the construction of an airport in Xai-Xai in southern Mozambique.

The airport is meant to put the southern province of Gaza on the map and allow the province to fulfil its potential as a draw for tourists, Lusa quotes Mozambican Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Nyeleti Mondlane as saying.