Chinese investors eye tuna fishing in Mozambique

Chinese investors are interested in tuna fishing in Nampula province, in northern Mozambique, reports local newspaper Notícias. The fishery should be carried out in the exclusive economic zone off the coastal district of Angoche.

The daily newspaper reported that Yinuo Pescas Lda has commissioned a shipyard in China to build nine vessels for tuna fishing, said the Provincial Delegate of the National Fisheries Administration, Momade Juízo. Yinuo Pescas is a Mozambican company held by Chinese investors.

Mr Juízo told the daily newspaper that the vessels should arrive in Angoche before the end of this year and are already equipped with equipment to catch tuna.

The Delegate said the new vessels from the Chinese company would operate from a base in the city of Angoche, where the company already operates four locally built wooden boats, licensed for semi-industrial fishing.

Mr Juízo also noted that the local population should benefit from more employment opportunities, due to the establishment of tuna fishing vessels in the local harbour.