Chinese joint venture eyes rehabilitation of farmland in Mozambique

A joint venture by PowerChina International Group Ltd and the quasi-military Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, or Bingtuan, is proposing to rehabilitate 3,000 hectares of farmland in the southwestern Mozambican region of Chókwè, Jornal Notícias reports.

The Mozambican newspaper quotes Hidráulica do Chókwè (HICEP) President Soares Xerinda as saying the Chinese partners are also proposing to build new irrigation systems on 1,500 hectares so it can be planted with corn and beans.

HICEP runs the Chókwè hydroelectric power station and dam.

Mr Xerinda said the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security was considering the proposals.

He said the joint venture had promised to transfer technology to HICEP.

New investors in the project, Mozambican or foreign, are being sought, Jornal Notícias quotes Mr Xerinda as saying.