Chinese, Mozambican companies strike investment deals

Representatives of Chinese and Mozambican companies have signed in Beijing 8 deals providing for investment in infrastructure, manufacturing, telecommunications, farming and financial services in Mozambique, Lusa reports.

The Portuguese news agency says that in one deal, state-owned firm China Railway International Group Co. Ltd has agreed to build a railway system connecting the valley of Limpopo River and the port of Chongoene in the province of Gaza and that, in another, state-owned China Civil Engineering Construction Corp. Ltd has agreed to build industrial parks in Boane and Marracuene.

The report says that in a third deal, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd of China and Mozambican mobile telecommunications company Moçambique Celular SARL have agreed to co-operate and that, in a fourth, electronic payments service China UnionPay and Mozambican bank Millennium BIM have agreed to work together.

The deals were signed during a business forum held before the Sino-African summit meeting which begins in Beijing today.