Chinese-Portuguese translation contest draws 117 entries

The Macau Polytechnic Institute (MPI) says 117 teams representing 34 institutions of higher education around the globe entered the second World Chinese-Portuguese Translation Competition put on by the institute.

MPI quotes Translators Association of China Executive Vice-president Huang Youyi as saying at the prize giving that the growth in exchanges between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries has increased demand for Chinese-Portuguese translation to its greatest ever.

The institute says each team of two or three students and their coach had three months to translate Portuguese texts containing at least 10,000 sentences.

Liu Yuxuan and Wang Ruoxin of the Communication University of China won the first prize, and Tao Jueru, Wei Zirui, Zhou Ruizhe and their coach Maria de Lurdes Nogueira Escaleira of MPI were the runners-up.