CNPC still in talks about Brazilian oil refinery deal

China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) and Petrobras of Brazil say they have agreed to keep talking about getting together to complete the Comperj oil refinery near Rio de Janeiro, Reuters reports.

The news agency quotes a joint announcement as saying representatives of the oil companies signed a letter of intent to that effect yesterday.

The report says Petrobras has spent US$13 billion on the Comperj oil refinery, but needs to invest another US$3 billion to bring the capacity of the facility up to the 165,000 barrels a day that the plans envisage.

The joint statement says the companies have also agreed to look into jointly developing the Marlim oil field off the coast of Brazil.

CNPC and Petrobras are partners in exploiting two other Brazilian offshore oilfields, the Libra field and the Peroba field, Reuters says.