Co-op pioneers Brazilian exports of dairy produce to China

A Brazilian farming cooperative, Central Cooperativa Gaúcha Ltda (CCGL), has flown a shipment of milk powder to China, the first Brazilian dairy produce to be exported there, Valor Económico says.

CCGL has registered its brand in mainland China and found a partner there to market its milk powder and other dairy produce, according to a report in the Brazilian newspaper on Tuesday.

The first shipment was dispatched on November 5, and the export of two more container loads of milk powder is being negotiated, the report says.

It quotes CCGL President Caio Vianna as saying he believes CCGL produce, which includes lactose-free milk powder, may interest Chinese buyers.

The Chinese authorities first gave permission for a dairy in Brazil to export to China in 2019, and 33 Brazilian dairy enterprises now have such permission, Valor Económico says.