CR20 rehabilitates Angolan hospital for Covid-19 patients

State-owned builder China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corp. (CR20) has rehabilitated a former hospital in the central Angolan city of Huambo so it can be used once again for the treatment of patients, specifically patients infected with the Covid-19 virus, Jornal de Angola reports.

The hospital has a floor area of 400 square metres, enough for 40 beds, the newspaper quotes a written statement issued by CR20 as saying.

In a separate report, a Chinese news website, Sina, quotes CR20 as saying it rewired the hospital, using 4 km of wiring installed by 14 electricians drafted in from its other projects in Angola, who worked 12-hour days to finish the job.

CR20 turned over the rehabilitated building to the local government on 24 March, Sina quotes CR20 as saying.