Deputy PM calls for closer ties between China, Guinea-Bissau

Deputy Prime Minister Soares Sambú of Guinea-Bissau has commended the development of China, and expressed hope for a stronger Sino-Guinean relationship, the Chinese Embassy in Bissau says.

A written statement issued by the embassy on Tuesday says Mr Sambú did so when he met Chinese Ambassador to Guinea-Bissau Guo Ce last Friday to convey congratulations to the Communist Party of China on the 100th anniversary of its founding.

The statement quotes Mr Sambú as extolling the tremendous progress made by China under the leadership of the party.

Mr Sambú thanked China for selflessly assisting his and other African countries, and said Guinea-Bissau would keep working with China to strengthen their ties.

The statement quotes Mr Guo as saying his embassy will contribute to a closer relationship by spurring Sino-Guinean exchanges.

Mr Guo said Sino-Guinean practical cooperation had borne considerable fruit, according to the statement by his embassy.