Dual-language edition of ’Contos de Ou-Mun’ on sale in Macao

A collection of short stories by Portuguese author António Correia, “Contos de Ou-Mun”, has been published in Macao in a single volume containing the original text in Portuguese and a translation into Chinese, Ponto Final reports.

The Macao newspaper says the author lived in Macao for about 20 years.

The report says the translator is Iok Lan Fu Barreto, widow of Portuguese painter Nuno Barreto, who was director of the Macao Academy of Visual Arts.

The illustrator is Teresa Portela, a Portuguese painter living in Macao, while the new edition keeps the foreword by late Portuguese writer Orlando Neves included in the original 1996 edition, the report says.

The publisher is LITS Macau, a company specialised in such translations, Ponto Final says.