E-commerce enterprises in China spurring Brazilian economy

Among Chinese enterprises that do business online, interest in the market in Brazil is growing, stimulating consumption there and helping the South American economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the People’s Daily reports.

Data collected by Nielsen, a monitor of markets, indicate that the value of sales online in Brazil was 53 billion reals (about US$10.2 billion) in the first half of this year, 31 per cent more than a year earlier, according to a report carried by the Chinese Communist Party newspaper on Wednesday.

The report quotes Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Latin American Studies Director Zhou Zhiwei as saying Chinese commercial websites have attracted a broad range of Brazilian consumers.

Shopping websites such as AliExpress, run by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, ship their wares to Brazil relatively cheaply and swiftly, the report says.

Growth in international commerce online will help Sino-Brazilian trade expand beyond trade in bulk commodities, the People’s Daily quotes Mr Zhou as saying.