Future of Sino-Brazilian cooperation discussed in seminar

The Chinese Consulate-General in Recife, in northeastern Brazil, says it has held online a seminar about the development of China and the prospects for Sino-Brazilian cooperation.

Academics and officials in China and Brazil attended, according to a written statement issued by the consulate-general.

The seminar was held on Tuesday to mark 100 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China, the consulate-general says.

The party will work with Brazil to contribute to global development and peace, Chinese Consul-General in Recife Yan Yuqing is quoted as saying.

The statement quotes Brazilian Communist Party President Luciana Santos as saying the Brazilian and Chinese economies are highly complementary, and that Sino-Braziliancooperation under the auspices of the Chinese Belt and Road initiative and the bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (the BRICS) facilitates sustainable development.

Maurício Grabois Foundation President Renato Rabelo said the Brazilian think-tank would do research into the Chinese experience of governance, according to the consulate-general.