Guiné-Bissau receives medical paraphernalia donated by China

A shipment of medical equipment and supplies that China has given Guiné-Bissau for its effort to counter the Covid-19 pandemic has arrived at its destination on Tuesday, the Portuguese news agency, Lusa, reports.

Separately, the Guinéan state-run news agency, ANG, says the shipment comprises 500 infrared thermometers, 20,000 sets of disposable gloves and shoe covers, 10,000 surgical masks, 4,000 other types of mask and coveralls to go with them.

The ANG report says the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) brought the shipment from Ghana to Guiné-Bissau.

The Chinese Embassy in Bissau is now waiting for the Guinéan authorities to make a plan for distributing the paraphernalia, ANG quotes the WFP as saying in a written statement.