Guinea-Bissau President dissolves Government

Guinea-Bissau President José Mário Vaz has dissolved the Government, following internal political differences.

“The government headed by Prime Minister Domingos Simões Pereira has been dissolved,” the Guinean President said in a presidential decree released on Wednesday quoted by news agency Reuters.

The statement said there was “a breach of trust” between the two officials. Both men belong to ruling party the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC).

The 16-member cabinet led by Mr Pereira took office in July 2014, two months after Mr Vaz became President of the African nation, after a military coup in 2012.

“All the democratic forces and institutions in Guinea-Bissau need to work together now to overcome differences,” the European Union said in a statement quoted by news agency AFP.

The Security Council of the United Nations also warned the on-going political turmoil in Guinea Bissau would undermine the progress made by the African nation since the elections in 2014, Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua reported.