Heavy sands processing set to begin in Mozambique in 2019

Dingsheng Minerals of China says it will begin processing heavy sands in the Chibuto region of the Mozambican province of Gaza next September, Notícias reports.

The Mozambican newspaper quotes Dingsheng Minerals Executive Director Zhang Zhonghua as saying processing will begin as soon as the company finishes building a port in Chongoene on the coast of Gaza so the heavy sands it processes can be shipped abroad.

The newspaper says the company is still testing its heavy sands processing facility in Chibuto, which has the capacity to process 10 tonnes a day.

About US$400 million is being invested in the Chibuto heavy sands project, which employs about 900 Mozambicans now but may employ 5,000 when processing begins, the report says.

Dingsheng Minerals is considering building a railway between Chibuto and Chókwè, an important node in the railway network, Notícias quotes Mr Zhang as saying.