IMF says Cabo Verde economy set for four years of growth

The International Monetary Fund forecasts that the economy of Cabo Verde will keep growing for the next four years, Inforpress reports.

The Cabo Verde news agency says the forecast was made at a press conference, held after a party of IMF officials spent two weeks in the country inspecting the economy.

It quotes their leader, Malangu Kabediy Mbuyi, as praising the economic policy of the Cabo Verde government that has ensured growth since 2017. She said the government should persist with reforms to spur activity in the private sector, create jobs, lessen social inequality, increase tax revenue and reduce government spending.

The government is aiming for an annual rate of economic growth of 7 percent instead of the 5 percent forecast, and needs to accelerate the reform process, Inforpress quotes Cabo Verde Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Olavo Correia as saying.