Inflation control Brazil’s main economic priority: Rousseff

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff says controlling inflation is the country’s main economic priority.

“We will dedicate efforts for inflation to converge to the target centre in the coming years [4.5 percent], which will result in the medium-term in greater well being for the population and more economic competitiveness,” Ms Rousseff wrote in her 2015 message to Congress.

“We will maintain control of inflation as the priority of macroeconomic management,” she added.

“Adjustments are never an end – they are necessary measures to reach a medium-term objective that, in our case, remains the same: economic growth with social inclusion,” Ms Rousseff wrote.

Earlier this week, Brazil’s central bank released survey results showing economists forecast inflation will accelerate to 7 percent in 2015. Prices rose 6.69 percent in the 12 months through January.