Macao, lusophone countries do business at PLPEX, MIF, MFE

Logistics and food deals between enterprises in Macao and the Portuguese-speaking world were among over 80 struck at three fairs held in Macao last week, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, or IPIM, says.

IPIM issued a written statement quoting one Macao exhibitor as saying wine tastings led to some Macao traders in Portuguese wines setting up deals with distributors in the neighbouring mainland Chinese city of Zhuhai.

The institute says about 30 representatives of business associations and enterprises in lusophone countries attended a session last Friday on official policy on doing business in Macao and on the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Co-operation Zone on Hengqin Island in Zhuhai.

The 2021 Portuguese-Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao) (PLPEX), 26th Macao International Trade & Investment Fair (MIF), and Macao Franchise Expo 2021 (MFE), all held between last Friday and last Sunday, drew about 1,280 mainland Chinese, Macao, Hong Kong, Brazilian, Cabo Verdean, Mozambican or Portuguese exhibitors, IPIM says.