Petrobras begins using Chinese-built FPSO vessel

Brazilian state-owned oil company Petrobras has begun extracting oil and natural gas from the Búzios 2 area of the Santos Bay pre-salt offshore field, using a Chinese-built floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, Agência Brasil reports.

The Brazilian state-run news agency says the FPSO vessel, named Petrobras 75, began work about 200 kilometres offshore, reaching down 2,000 metres.

The report says Petrobras 75 can handle 150,000 barrels of oil and 6 million cubic metres of natural gas a day.

It is the second FPSO vessel deployed in the Santos Bay field and the fourth to begin work off Brazil this year, Agência Brasil says.

Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po reported in May that a subsidiary of COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry Co. Ltd of China completed that month the conversion of an oil tanker into an FPSO vessel – the vessel now identified by Agência Brasil as the Petrobras 75.