Portugal’s Sines targeted for ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative: Chinese diplomat

Portugal’s southern city of Sines could be included in the “One Belt, One Road” initiative launched by China, said foreign affairs adviser to the Chinese Government Lv Fengding, according to a Sunday report by Portuguese news agency Lusa.

Mr Lv was speaking in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, where he gave a presentation on “One Belt, One Road”. The initiative was proposed in 2013 China’s President Xi Jinping. It covers routes that have historically linked China’s trade with the rest of the world. It aims to connect better the economies along the routes, and enhance trade across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa through infrastructure development.

“Portugal is one of the destinations of the Maritime Silk Road and the port of Sines is important for connecting China to Europe and Africa,” Mr Lv said, as quoted by the newspaper.

The diplomat, who visited Sines recently, said the “One Belt, One Road” initiative has already attracted the involvement of more than 70 countries and international organisations. He also said “more than 30 nations have signed relevant co-operation agreements with China”.

“Portugal is already part of the initiative. It would be easy for Chinese and Portuguese companies to work together in various fields, including in the development of infrastructure projects, financing co-operation and in partnership with other Portuguese-speaking Countries,” said Mr Lv, who is also Vice President of China Public Diplomacy Association.