Portuguese buyers scout online for Zhejiang auto parts

The Department of Commerce of the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang is holding an online trade fair meant to increase exports of Zhejiang-made automotive parts to Portugal, East Money reports.

The Chinese financial news website says about 100 Zhejiang makers of auto parts are exhibiting their wares online to representatives of 80 companies, Portuguese or otherwise, that do business in Portugal.

The report says the Zhejiang government hopes nearly 200 deals will be struck during the online fair, which opened on April 8 and will close on April 23.

At the opening ceremony, held last year, Vice-governor Zhu Congjiu of Zhejiang and Portugal’s Assistant Secretary of State and the Economy, João Neves, both spoke enthusiastically about the prospects for economic engagement by Zhejiang and Portugal, the East Money website says.