Representatives of Chinese, Portuguese media meet in Lisbon

Representatives of Chinese and Portuguese news media have met in Lisbon to discuss how to co-operate more, Xinhua reports.

The Chinese government-run news agency says China Central Television and the Press Association of Portugal jointly arranged the meeting, with the help of the Chinese State Council Information Office.

The report quotes an official of the Communist Party of China, Wang Xiaohui, as saying Chinese and Portuguese news media should speak out on major issues and co-ordinate what they say, and should increase the influence they wield.

The Chinese State Council Information Office, the China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration and the Chinese Embassy in Lisbon also jointly put on a seminar in Lisbon about Chinese President Xi Jinping’s thoughts on the governance of China, and about 180 people attended, Xinhua says.

Mr Xi will visit Portugal on December 4 and 5, when a Sino-Portuguese joint statement is due to be issued and Sino-Portuguese agreements on various matters are due to be signed.