Seminar on Business Co-operation between Jiangmen, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries successfully concluded

To highlight the role of Macao as a service platform and explain the investment environment and business opportunities of Portuguese-speaking Countries, the ‘Seminar on Business Co-operation between Jiangmen, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries’ was held on April 21 in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province.

The seminar was organised by the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Forum Macao), the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) and the Jiangmen Municipal Trade Bureau.

Attending the seminar were the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Chang Hexi; the Senior Manager of the Promotional Activities Department of IPIM, Mr Sam Lei; the representative of the Jiangmen Municipal Trade Bureau, Mr Li Zhaoxian; as well as several business people.

There were several presentations during the seminar. They covered the economic development and investment environment of Jiangmen, and the work of Forum Macao and the investment environment of Portuguese-speaking Countries. There was also a briefing about the economic development of Macao and of the territory’s role as a service platform.

The seminar also included an exchange session and a business matching session between Delegates of Portuguese-speaking Countries at the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao and representatives of companies from Jiangmen.

Several companies from Jiangmen in the sectors of tourism, hospitality, banking, services, retail, food and beverage, home appliances, motorcycles, advertisement, science and technology, new technologies, machinery, manufacture, metals, plastics, chemicals, environment protection, logistics, and import and export took part in the seminar.

Representatives of the companies had the opportunity to interact with the Delegates of Portuguese-speaking Countries, an activity that highlights the role of Macao as a service platform and creates more opportunities for companies from Mainland China – especially from Jiangmen – to expand to international markets.

The activities contributed to promoting more fully Forum Macao and Macao’s role as a service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. They also allowed for an introduction about the business and investment environment in the Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as their policies, thus promoting pragmatic co-operation between companies from Mainland China – namely from Jiangmen and Guangdong Province –, and Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries.