Seminar on Business Co-operation between Shanxi, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries successfully concluded

A Delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) visited Taiyuan, in China’s Shanxi Province, between June 25 and 27, to take part in the activities of the ‘Macao Week’ in that city, as well as to participate in the ‘Dynamic Macao Business and Trade Fair’, also held in Taiyuan. The visit included a Seminar on Business Co-operation between Shanxi, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

These events in Taiyuan aimed to publicise more fully the work being done by Forum Macao; highlight the role of Macao as a service platform; explain the investment environment and business opportunities of Portuguese-speaking Countries; and promote economic and trade regional co-operation.

On June 26, in the afternoon, the Seminar on Business Co-operation between Shanxi, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries took place at the West Wing, 1/F Multi-function Hall of the Bing Zhou Hotel. It was well attended. The Seminar was organised by the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) and the Shanxi Province’s Trade Bureau.

There were several presentations. They covered the economic development and investment environment of Shanxi Province, and the work of Forum Macao and the investment environment of Portuguese-speaking Countries. There was also a briefing about the economic development of Macao and of the territory’s role as a service platform. The Seminar also included an exchange session and a business matching session between Delegates of Portuguese-speaking Countries at the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao and representatives of companies from Shanxi Province.

Several companies from Shanxi in the sectors of energy, mining, electricity, construction, agriculture, tourism, food products, pharmaceutical products, metallurgy, and import and export took part in the Seminar.

During the activity, Shanxi Province’s Trade Bureau made a presentation about the economic development of the Province, while the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao and IPIM gave presentations about Forum Macao; the territory’s role as an economic and trade platform; and the investment environment and policies in Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

The successful exchange session between the Delegates from Portuguese-speaking Countries and representatives of companies from Shanxi, covered the fields of mining, tourism, conventions and exhibitions, and food products. Attendees also debated regional co-operation and how to support companies from Mainland China – namely from Shanxi Province – to expand into international markets, especially to Portuguese-speaking Countries, via Macao.

The activities held in Taiyuan contributed to promoting more fully Forum Macao and Macao’s role as a service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. They also allowed for an introduction about the business and investment environment in the Portuguese-speaking Countries, as well as their policies, thus promoting pragmatic co-operation between companies from Mainland China – namely Shanxi Province –, and Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

During this visit, exchange sessions were also offered for Mainland China companies interested in investing in Portuguese-Speaking Countries and in finding co-operation partners in those countries. Such sessions are also part of Macao’s role as a service platform for economic and trade co-operation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries.