Visit of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries’ meteorology experts to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao

On July 9, a group of meteorology professionals from Mainland China, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Portugal, and Macao paid a visit to the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao. Participants exchanged views on how to explore new fields for co-operation and on how to promote the diversified development of China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, by making use of Macao as a platform between those countries.

The Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Chang Hexi, introduced the evolution of Forum Macao and the role of Macao as a co-operation and trade platform. He stated Forum Macao has been committed to promoting pragmatic co-operation, on multiple levels, between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. Also present at the meeting were representatives to Forum Macao that come from the Portuguese-speaking Countries. They shared experiences with the meteorology experts from Mainland China and Portuguese-speaking Countries on exploring multi-faceted co-operation between the two sides. That includes promoting technical and professional training, and encouraging a diversified development.

The visit served to enrich the experts’ knowledge on the development of Forum Macao and on the role of Macao as a platform between China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries. It is expected that these experts will be able to benefit from the advantages of Macao in order to stimulate further co-operation in the field of meteorology between China, Macao and the Portuguese-speaking Countries.

The meteorology experts from China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries were in Macao to take part in the 8th Meteorology Technical Conference – CMA, SMG, IPMA, held in Macao on July 8 and 9.