Workshop on Teaching and Training of Bilingual Speakers discusses professional development opportunities

The opening ceremony of the ‘Workshop on Teaching and Training of Bilingual Speakers for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries’ was held yesterday at Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI).

The two-day event is jointly organised by the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) – also known as Forum Macao – and MPI. The event is also supported by Macao’s Tertiary Education Services Office.

Among the participants in the workshop are Portuguese-language experts from academic institutions and higher education schools from mainland China, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries, officials from Lusophone countries, and representatives from Macao’s commercial and industrial sectors.

The seminar’s main theme is: “The importance of language in economic relations between China and Portuguese-speaking countries – the role of Macao in training bilingual speakers”.

The workshop aims to offer participants a platform for exchanges between the academic and business sectors on teaching methods for the training of bilingual professionals to meet the business world’s needs.

The event focuses on the special advantages offered in this field by Macao and the city’s bilingual environment (with many inhabitants speaking Portuguese and Chinese). The workshop also helps to consolidate Macao’s role as a service platform to promote trade between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

In their speeches, the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Chang Hexi; the President of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, Mr Li Xiangyu; the Executive Director of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, Ms Glória Batalha Ung; and the representatives of Portuguese-speaking Countries highlighted the importance of the workshop to further develop the economic and trade ties between China and Lusophone countries. They also stated the need to strengthen the role of Macao as a platform between the two blocs.

Also attending the opening ceremony were the representatives of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Ms Xu Yue; the Deputy Consul of the Republic of Angola in Macao, Ms Cezaltina Maria Monteiro da Costa; the representative of the Consulate-General of Mozambique in Macao, Mr Francisco Manhiça; the representative of Macao’s Tertiary Education Services Office, Ms Io Iok Fong; the Delegates of the Portuguese-speaking Countries to the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao; and representatives from the academic and business sectors.